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Guide to Coding Camps for Kids

How to Settle on an Online Coding Camp

Kids grade: Although our online coding camps do not come with age restrictions, we recommend adhering to our age directives, unless your kid comes with extra knowledge on coding.
Level of your child: Each camp consists of three distinct levels. Unless your child has prior programming experience, start them at level 1.

Schedule the camp: Our online summer coding camps for kids go for between 1 to 8 weeks. The lessons run for 1 to 2 hours, if the class time works for your kid, then they are good to go.
The topic of discussion: Every summer camp focuses on a specific programming language. Some languages are good for website creation, while other games. Ensure the camp you choose aligns with your kid’s interests.

Camps in the summer are a parent’s best friend. However, some kids do not fancy the idea of having to stay with new faces miles away from home. That is where our online summer coding camps for kids come in. It is for the children who require more than playtime to fill their summer. It is for those who are excited by the prospect of innovation. For children who need extra time to figure out new things that spending weeks sleeping in summer camps is not enough.

Our camps consist of progressive live classes, each having seven kids in a group, run by experienced tutors. Every lesson involves using the hands-on method in teaching a particular programming language. This way, by the end of the camp, your kid will have mastered a programming language together with a working program, be it a website or game, as evidence of gaining a skill.

Our course covers all the common coding languages, everything from Python to Lua. The lessons consist of three levels with every level an improvement of the previous. Furthermore, we present you, kids, with extensive coding courses, especially during the summer. These particular courses focus on a specific aspect of a programming language, for instance, Web and App development. common

A programming language may be more suitable than another, depending on the interest and future goals of your kid. If your child is of age, old enough to make the choice, we recommend you let them choose which coding language works best for them. If they cannot settle on one or you worry if the one, they are picking will work best for them or whether the camp is of the right level for your child, then the guidelines below regarding our online summer coding camps for kids should be a great help to you.

Develop Computer Skills and Primary Block Coding


The most essential part of learning coding is not the complex syntax but the logic behind it. Comprehending “if this is that, then that is this” feedback loop is how to understand programming. We use the same logic in our online summer coding camps for kids 10 years and below, teaching them the basics of coding first. After firmly establishing that, we proceed to teach syntax for the particular language. Kids can experiment with code by creating games using block-coding software like Kodu, which allows them to comprehend the general structure of programs without needing to write any code.

5 to 7-year-old Coding Camps

Scratch Jr (Level 1 to 3 together with summer specials): There is no better introduction to coding for your little one than Scratch. The app is smooth and simple to navigate. The code is presented in a sidebar, which can be dragged and fitted together like a big jigsaw puzzle. Your kid could make anything from a game to a narrative book depending on how they arrange these programming bricks.

6 to 8-years-old Coding Camps

  • 3D Video Game Design (Levels 1 to 3): Kodu is a more challenging block-coding program compared to Scratch. This camp is the ideal beginning to your child’s interest in game creation. Level 1 is ideal for beginners, while levels 2 and 3 are for experts who want to prototype difficult concepts.
  • Minecraft Club (Levels 1 to 3): Minecraft coding for kidscamp is designed to be enjoyable. If your kid isn’t sure if coding is something they’d enjoy, this modest introduction into the world of computers and the creation of games should change their mind. This course does not intend to teach code but rather focuses on exposing kids to the possibilities of games like Minecraft through educational play that addresses subjects such as physics, architecture, and electronic systems.

8 to 10-year-old computer online kid coding camps


  • Scratch (Levels 1 to 3): This is the last stage of our block-coding camps for children who have a solid understanding of fundamental coding concepts and need to focus on learning specific complex features before learning a language. If your kid is a novice but is over age for the previous two programs, they can start from level 1 as long as they possess basic computer knowledge.

Learning the Language

If your child understands the logic behind coding, he or she is ready to learn a language. Our two Roblox courses, Roblox Build and Roblox Code teach all you need to know about making video games using the Lua programming language. Lua is one of the most popular computer programming languages used in video game creation, so if your child wants to be a game developer, these camps are for them. Our similar camps at this stage teach python for beginners. Python is an easy language to learn that has almost universal usage throughout all programming disciplines, making it generally the first language newcomer programmers’ study before specializing in any area. It’s a wonderful foundation for more advanced languages like C++, and it’ll provide your kid a solid basis in programming that will serve them well whatever their future holds.

6 to 8-year-old Coding Camps

  • Roblox Build (Levels 1 to 3): Another unheralded advantage of Roblox is that it’s a surprisingly effective tool for teaching Lua, which is one of the most widely used video-game languages. If your kid isn’t familiar with Roblox, start with Level 1. In Levels 2 and 3, children can create games using tools from Roblox studios.

9 to 11-year-old Coding Camps

  • Roblox Code (Level 1): Level 1 of Roblox Build is the ideal progression for intermediate Lua coders, adding on every skill acquired in Roblox build. In this session, children will study more about Lua to create their unique codes that can be used to produce special games at a later date.

10 to 15-year-old Coding Camps

  • Design with Python (Levels 1 and 2): Python may be a scary-sounding language, but it’s one of the finest languages for children to learn since it is easy and versatile. Kids starting with this camp should have strong computer knowledge and a firm understanding of coding ideas. In level 1, children will study the terms and syntax that make up Python, while in level 2 they’ll study how to utilize the words to come up with complex codes.

Real World Coding

We believe in teaching children’s things they can apply in real life. Our goal isn’t to see if children can repeat some sophisticated definitions; rather, it’s whether they can produce a program by the end of the camp. In our online summer camps for kids for advanced coder children aged 9+, the emphasis is more on practice than teaching. Debugging, for example, can only be learned through experience. While kids enjoy the freedom of making personal programs, they are also required to have problem-solving skills. Such are the best camps for your child if they’re ready to take on the challenge of being thrown into the deep end of coding.

9 to 11-year-old Coding Camps

  • Roblox Coding (Levels 2 and 3): Kids who have finished the first level of Roblox code are ready to code a new game from beginning to end. Kids in level 2 begin by constructing 3D obstacle courses while those in level 3 progress to coding more complex games.

10 to 15-year-old Coding Camps

  • Python (Level 3 together with fun summer specials): This camp deals with exercising Python and applying the skills acquired in levels 1-2 to original purposes. Level 3 enables kids to utilize Python in a variety of ways, from graphic design to game production. However, we’ve created two more themed camps for kids who enjoy creating video games because they are so passionate about it.
  • Web and App development (Levels 1-3 together with enjoyable summer specials): Look no further if your child wants to develop websites and code basic games with confidence! Kids begin working directly on the coding of websites from the beginning so that after the course they know all there is to know about all three languages utilized in Web & App development: CSS, HTML, and JS. If after completing level 3, they still crave more knowledge, our particular workshops will ensure they attain their dream of creating a website.