3 Great Degree Options For People Who Love Hunting
The dream life is to have a job doing something that you love. But for many people, they wind up working at whatever job will pay the bills. However, if you plan your life correctly, you can make it more than possible for you to work in a career that you love that fits in with your hobbies or passions, especially if those hobbies and passions involve being outdoors and hunting.
To help you see how this can be possible, here are three great degree options for people who love hunting.
Conservation Management
As you’re considering what you want to get your degree in, one option you might want to consider is Conservation Management.
According to the staff of Deer and Deer Hunting, conservation management degrees will teach you all about wildlife, conserving outdoor habitats, and even how to properly prepare meat that’s been hunted with your AR-15 hunting rifle. Since you’ve likely been out in the wild a lot on previous hunting trips, you’ve likely already had a lot of experience with how to tread lightly on the land that you’re using and work with the animals who are living in those areas, which is what Conservation Management is all about.
Wildlife Enterprise Management
If you’re interested in doing more actual hunting when you’re on the clock rather than just facilitating better hunting experiences for yourself and others when you’re done with your day’s work, you may want to look into a degree like Wildlife Enterprise Management.
This degree, which may not be available at many schools, combines parts of business, hospitality, and wildlife, according to David Rainer, a contributor to BuckMasters.com. Through this degree, you’ll learn about how to work within the tourism industry to build a business for yourself or others regarding being out in the wild. This could include doing things like taking people on hunting trips or other outdoor experiences that people will pay to do.
Photography And Videography
To get paid for the time that you choose to spend out in the wild, whether you’re hunting or participating in some other kind of adventure, you may want to get a degree in photography or videography.
With this background, contributors to Chron.com share that you can sell your photography, create your own content online, build up a portfolio, and do a lot of other content-based work that you could then make money off of. This may mean that you’ll have a bit more stress when you’re out hunting, but it could also help you better capture the memories you make while you’re out in the wild as well.
If you’re looking to find a way that you can make a career out of your love for hunting, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make this dream a reality.